🪙Solana Axolotls Casino

Information Regarding Solana Axolotls Casino

Solana Axolotls Casino

As-well as access to all the benefits our DAO offers, holding your Solana Axolotls NFTs gives you access to a Solana Casino owned and built by Solana Axolotls. The aim of the casino is for 100% of royalties made to be distributed into holders wallets weekly. The more NFTs you hold the more royalties you will receive, all profits made from the casino will be divided evenly and sent directly to holders wallets each week. Casino Games: ・CoinFlip ・Dice Roulette ・MineSweeper ・Rock Paper Scissors ・Blackjack Sneak peaks of our casino will be posted up until mint and released a week after mint after we implement the Axolotls Army fully.

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